Ceylon Spices

Ceylon Spices

Sri Lanka know as the Spice Island to the Western nations for the richness of the spices. Cinnamon, Pepper, Cloves, Cardamom, Nutmeg, Mace and Vanilla grown in abundance entire the country in fertile and diverse soil types and varying weather conditions.

Cinnamon is the most important spice commodity among the spice sector. Ancient Sri Lankans used Cinnamon for medicine, spice, perfumery material & for soft drink, but present the cinnamon uses for bakery products, pharmaceutical preparations & cosmetics worldwide and exports in primary form as well as in the value added form such as cut pieces, ground and crushed. Because of the uniqueness of the Cinnamon Sri Lanka became the world largest producer & exporter of Cinnamon to the world. Cinnamon has originated in Sri Lanka & it has unique characteristics, which can be branded under GI protection. Accordingly Ceylon Cinnamon introduced to the international market as a branded product namely "Pure Ceylon Cinnamon" which reflects a combination of several intrinsic characteristics of Cinamomum Zylanicum.

Pepper is the second important commodity among spices and Sri Lankan Pepper has high intrinsic quality. The Sri Lankan Pepper has higher Piperine content which gives it a superior quality and pungency. Pepper is offered in different grades for grinding and extraction of essential oils and oleoresins. In Sri Lanka pepper is grown in the wet and intermediate zones mostly as mixed crops.

Other spices such as cloves, cardamom, Nutmeg & Mace also have high aromatic flavour. Sri Lankan Cloves is found to be richer in oil than those from other growing countries in the world. The odour, flavor and oil contents are the important criteria of cloves. Cardamom is popularly known as 'Queen of Spice'. Cardamom lands are generally termed as spice forests. Cardamom exports from Sri Lanka constitute light green verities. Nutmeg & mace are two distinctly separate spices derived from the same plant. It is an evergreen tree which grows in the up country in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka also has the potential for ginger, turmeric and Vanilla cultivation and exports. The production of spice crops continues to be largely confined to mix home gardens particularly for pepper, cloves, nutmeg and cardamom. 70% of the Cinnamon is grown as a pure crop in small holdings. Further, out-grower systems and community based cultivations are linked with the exporters.

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